Skipton & Ripon Conservative Association Annual General Meeting 29th September 2020 6pm prompt Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 29th September 2020, commencing at 6pm. Our Member of...
Ripon & District Branch Luncheon 17th April 2020 12.30 for 1pm start Ripon & District Branch Luncheon - Due to the current situation with regard to Coronavirus, this event has been postponed.
Skipton & Ripon Conservative Association Annual General Meeting 21st March 2020 9.30am - 10am start POSTPONEMENT OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 16th March 2020 Dear Member Association Annual General Meeting – Postponement In light of the current situation regarding...
Skipton Conservative Ladies Lunch Club - December meeting 12th December 2019 12 noon Gathering at Coniston for our Christmas lunch, Nick Grounds joins us in December and brings with him his wealth of knowledge as a horticultural auctioneer from...
Nidderdale & Washburn Branch host The Heritage Boys, 60's music 11th October 2019 7.30pm Our next event is going to be great! We've booked the Heritage Boys to play 60s music - if you haven't been to one of their gigs before then you are in for a...
Conservative Party Conference 29th September 2019 Conservative Party Conference 2019 Manchester Central Convention Complex - 29th September – 2nd October 2019 Registration to launch in January 2019, for further...
North Craven Branch Coffee Morning 28th September 2019 10am - 11.45am Come and join us at Bentham Town Hall for a coffee morning. All are welcome.
Dinner event with Rt Hon Julian Smith CBE MP 27th September 2019 The Ripon Spa Hotel We are pleased to announce that the Rt Hon Julian Smith CBE MP will be our guest speaker on Friday 27th September at The Ripon Spa Hotel. This evening will...
Skipton Conservative Ladies Lunch Club - Autumn Luncheon 26th September 2019 12 noon The Skipton Ladies Luncheon Club will be holding their autumn event at Coniston Hotel on Thursday 26th September. The Guest speaker will be Andy Swinscoe of the...
Dinner with the Rt Hon Julian Smith CBE MP 18th September 2019 6pm prompt We are pleased to announce that the Rt Hon Julian Smith CBE MP will be joining us as our speaker on the evening of Friday 27th September at the Ripon Spa Hotel...
Malhamdale Conservatives 5th July 2019 7pm Malhamdale Conservatives invite you to meet your Member of Parliament Rt Hon Julian Smith MP at Kirkby Malham Village hall. Any queries to Pat Revill 01756...
Bridge Drive & Cream Tea - for futher details click here 27th June 2019 1.00pm, Bishop Monkton Village Hall