Bentham Branch Autumn Supper 24th November 2017 7.15pm for 7.30pm Bentham Branch will be holding their Autumn Supper at Bentham Golf Club on Friday 24th November. Tikcets are £16 per person to include supper. The Rev Ian...
CANCELLED - Gargrave Branch 95th Birthday celebration and Annual Supper 24th November 2017 7pm for 7.30pm Due to unforeseen circumstances it is with regret that Gargrave Annual event has been cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Association Coffee Morning 18th November 2017 11.30am Please come and join us for a coffee on the 18th November, have an informal chat, meet other members, Association officers and Julian Smith MP. We will be...
Skipton Branch evening with Julian Smith MP 17th November 2017 7 for 7.30pm An evening at Keelham Farm Shop restaurant with Julian Smith MP. Tickets are £17.50 to include a buffet. Please contact Wendy Clark on 07790 012712 or email...
Bentham Coffee morning 30th September 2017 10am - 11.45am Join us for the Bentham Coffee Morning, at Bentham Town Hall.
Skipton Conservative Ladies Luncheon Club 29th September 2017 Join us for the Skipton Conservative Ladies Luncheon Club Autumn Luncheon Speaker: Charles Hanson, “Under the Hammer” Please contact Pat Revill for further...
Conservative Policy Forum 28th September 2017 7pm By the 8th October, the Conservative Policy Forum is asked to discuss Conservative Values, ideas that define 21st Century Conservatism, the Conservative Mission...