Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held at Kettlesing Village Hall, Harrogate, HG3 2LB on Saturday 24th June 2023 commencing at 10am.
An Agenda is given below for your information. The final date for the receipt of nominations for Officers is Friday 15th June 2023, and nomination forms are available from the constituency office.
Our Member of Parliament, Rt. Hon Julian Smith, MP will be attending and speaking. It is very much hoped you will be able to attend.
It would be very helpful if you could either email – [email protected] – or telephone 01756 792092 or 07414987287 to indicate if you are attending.
Coffee will be served from 9.30am onwards and we would love you to stay and join us for a light lunch and a glass of wine straight after the AGM. A collection will be made for Association Funds.
We look forward to seeing you at our AGM.
- President’s opening remarks
- Apologies for absence
- To approve the minutes of 2022 Annual General Meeting
- To receive and adopt the Annual Report
- To receive and adopt the audited or certificated accounts for 1 January to 31 December 2022
- To receive the annual report from the Trustees and confirm the appointment of Trustees for the coming year
Trustees: Mr Giles Bowring; Mrs Christine Medlicott and Mr John Dawson
- To appoint an independent verifier for the 2023 accounts
- To elect honorary positions for 2023/24:
- President
- Honorary Vice Presidents
- To elect the Officers for 2023/24:
- President
- Chairman
- Deputy Chairman Membership and Finance
- Deputy Chairman Political
- Treasurer
- Election of Executive & Management Committee
- Any further items to be transacted under the Rules of the Association by noon on Friday 15th June 2023
- Address by our Member of Parliament, Rt. Hon Julian Smith, CBE, MP
- President to Close Meeting